Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 10/27/21

Year: 2021

Original Articles

Research Article

1. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) fruit extract ameliorates methotrexate‐induced reproductive toxicity in male rats

Research Article

2. The natural course of gastric intestinal metaplasia in Turkish Patients: A single-center observational cohort study

Research Article

3. The effects of melatonin on the striatum

Research Article

4. SREBP1c silencing reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress and related apoptosis in oleic acid induced lipid accumulation

Research Article

5. Impact of ankyloglossia on the language development of children

Research Article

6. Differential diagnosis of classical Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syndrome: Do we need genetic analysis?

Research Article

7. Comparison of postoperative pain and pain control techniques in uniportal and biportal VATS and open surgery patients

Research Article

9. Genetic alterations and pathways in patients with Hereditary Angioedema of Unknown Cause (U-HAE)

Research Article

11. The effects of low bone mineral density on pain, quality of life and fatigue in patients with epilepsy

Research Article

12. Topical and systemic analgesia versus caudal epidural and dorsal penile nerve block in relieving pain after pediatric circumcision

Research Article

15. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on maxillofacial trauma etiology

Case Reports

Case Report

18. Constrictive pericarditis diagnosed following liver transplantation

Case Reports

Marmara Medical Journal, Marmara Med J, is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary academic publication of Marmara University, School of Medicine, which is authored by physicians both nationally and internationally. The journal consists of articles on recent developments in general and internal medicine and new methods of treatment based on original research. Marmara Medical Journal is among the most widely read and cited scientific publications for physicians among journals of its kind nationally and increasingly gaining new readers and authors internationally with its English only format since 2016. Marmara Medical Journal is continuously published since1988 and its archive with full-text manuscripts can be reached under www.dergipark.org.tr/marumj/archive. Each article is strictly assessed by a select Editorial Board. We greatly welcome research papers, case reports, reviews and occasionally a photo-quiz of an interesting medical encounter in English, only.

Marmara Medical Journal welcomes manuscripts that focus on clinical and laboratory medicine, health care policy and medical education,  ethics, and related topics:

Each monthly issue presents approximately eleven individual articles, consisting of original research, reviews, clinical content, editorials, commentaries, brief reports, special articles, case reports and occasionally a photo-quiz.

  • Special review issues with invited editors are published since 2015 to focus on specific areas of medicine to bring recent data into attention covering multiple aspects of the chosen topic. Marmara Medical Journal welcomes and encourages physicians from all over the world to publish a special review issue on the topic of their preference as an "Invited editor" to collaborate with authors on the same focus area with the aim of increasing scientific collaboration via publishing. 

Marmara Medical Journal publishes original scientific research, case reports, reviews, letters and occasionally a photo-quiz. Manuscripts submitted under multiple authorship are reviewed on the assumption that all listed authors concur with the submission and that a copy of the final manuscript has been approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities in the laboratories where the work was carried out. 

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that no substantial portion of the study has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Regular articles should be approximately 20-25 pages double-spaced, including references, with margins of 2.5 cm. Review articles should be similar in length to a regular article with approximately 50 references.

Manuscript files must be prepared in Word, WordPerfect, EPS, LaTeX, text, Postscript, or RTF format. Figures/Images should be embedded in the manuscript file or sent as external files in TIFF, JPG, BMP, Postscript, or EPS format. The Marmara Medical Journal is in compliance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals created by the International Committee for Medical Editors.


Preparation of Manuscript

A) Title page:

The title page should contain the article title, authors’ names and academic or professional affiliations, and the address for manuscript correspondence  (including e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers).

Pages should be numbered consecutively and organized as follows: 

  1. A structured abstract (English) of not more than 200 words each must be included. The abstracts should be divided into the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  2. Keywords: (3-6 keywords, in English, should be taken from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from Index Medicus).
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion 
  7. References

B) Introduction. State why the investigation was carried out, note any relevant published work and delineate the objective of the investigation. 

C) Methods. New methods or significant improvements in methods or changes in old methods must be described. Details regarding animal housing conditions should be given. All clinical studies must contain: 1) A statement that all experimental protocols have been approved by the Ethical Committee of the Institution prior to the commencement of the studies, 2) A statement that all participants gave informed consent. 

D) Results. Duplication between the text of this section and material presented in tables and figures should be avoided. Tabular presentation of masses of negative data must be avoided and replaced with a statement in the text whenever possible. The results must be presented clearly, concisely and without comment. 

E) Discussion. This section must relate the significance of the work to existing knowledge in the field and indicate the importance of the contribution of this study. Unsupported hypotheses and speculation should be omitted. 

F) References. The style of references is that of the Index Medicus. List all authors when there are six or fewer, when there are seven or more list the first three, then add “et al.”. Unpublished results or personal communications should be cited as such in the text.

Please note the following examples: 

1. Yazici D, Taş S, Emir H, Sunar H. Comparison of premeal mixed insulin three times daily and basal-bolus insulin therapy started post-operatively on patients having coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Marmara Med J 2011; 25:16-9.doi: 10.5472/ MMJ.2011.02134.1 

2. Walker M, Hull A. Preterm labor and birth. In: Taeusch HW, Ballard RA, eds. Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1998: 144,153. 

3. Lawton J, Ahmad N, Hallowell N, Hanna L, Douglas M. Perceptions and experiences of taking oral hypoglycaemic agents among people of Pakistani and Indian origin: a qualitative study. BMJ 2005;30:1247- 51. doi:10.1136/bmj.38460.642789. EO 

4. WONCA Ad Hoc Task Force on Tobacco Cessation. http://globalfamilydoctor.com/publications/new/november/09.htm (Access date)


G) Figures. Diagrams and illustrations should be given Arabic numerals. All figure legends should be grouped and written on a separate page. Each Figure should be in one of the following preferred formats: Tiff, JPEG, PDF, and EPS. h. Tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals in order of appearance in the text. Type each table double-spaced on a separate page with a short descriptive title directly above and with essential footnotes below.

If quoted parts, tables, figures, graphics, pictures, etc. exist in the manuscript, the authors should obtain written permission from the author and copyright holder and indicate this. Units will be in general accordance with the International System (SI) as adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. Compliance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki is accepted as a policy by Marmara Medical Journal. Manuscripts which do not properly consider ethical issues for humans or animals will not be accepted for publication.

Following documents are required prior publication:


a) Marmara Medical Journal requires that investigations performed on human subjects have the prior approval of the Institutional Ethics Committee on Human Experimentation. Authors are required to submit a signed statement as to the date and details of the appropriate review.

b) When studies involve the use of experimental animals, manuscripts should briefly describe the procedures employed for animal care and handling. Where drugs are used at particular concentrations in intact animal systems, the author should indicate some rationale for selection of the particular concentration. Marmara Medical Journal requires that investigations performed on animal subjects have the prior approval of the Institutional Ethics Committee for the Care and Use of Experimental Animals. Role of the Funding Source. All sources of funding should be declared as an acknowledgment at the end of the text. Conflict of Interest: All authors are required to disclose all potential conflicts of interests, including financial interests and relationships and affiliations (other than those listed in the title page of the manuscript) relevant to the subject of the manuscript. Also, editors, all participants in the peer-review and publication process must disclose all relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interests. 



It is the responsibility of every researcher listed as an author of an article published in Marmara Medical Journal to have contributed in a meaningful and identifiable way to the design, performance, analysis, and reporting of the work and to agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

Before publication, each author must sign a statement attesting that he or she fulfills the authorship criteria of the ICMJE Recommendations.


Financial Associations/Conflicts of Interest

All participants - not only the corresponding author -  must consider their conflicts of interest when fulfilling their roles in the process of article preparation and must disclose all relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest according to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines and/or Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE) Recommendations. Disclosure forms filed by all authors alongside the full text of each article is mandatory.



We encourage the authors on using the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest to standardize authors’ disclosures.

Conflict of Interest Form.pdf

Statement of Human Rights and Statement of Animal Rights

Statement of human rights and statement of animal rights, when necessary, must be signed by all authors prior publication. 

Statement of human and animal rights form.pdf

Patient Consent for Publication

Patients have a right to privacy. Identifying information, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs or in any kind of patient-related materials.  In circumstances where this information is essential for scientific purposes, authors should obtain the patient’s (or the legal guardian’s) written informed consent prior to the publication.

Patient Consent for Publication

Marmara Medical Journal asks the corresponding author to attest that the authors: 

    a) Had access to all the study data

    b) Took responsibility for the accuracy of the analysis

    c) Had the authority over manuscript preparation and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.


All manuscripts are examined by the editorial board and refereed critically by two or more reviewers, at least one from another institution. The editor reserves the right to reject or to return the manuscript to the author(s) for additional changes.

Statement of human rights and statement of animal rights, when necessary, must be signed by all authors prior publication.

A copyright release form will be sent automatically by e-mail once your article is received by the Editor.